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Editorial Policy


We strive to be accurate, but we make mistakes. If you think we’ve made a mistake in one of our articles, please contact us.


We strive to be objective and fair in our reviews of products, services and companies. We do not accept compensation of any type in exchange for a favorable review.

Affiliate links

We will disclose when we link to a product or company with an affiliate link.

Private investments

We will disclose when a MonetizePros co-founder owns equity in a private business that’s being mentioned in our editorial content.

Business relationships with companies and products being covered

Please note, that the co-founders and other writers at MonetizePros often do have business relationships with the companies and products that we cover. For instance, some of us own other Web businesses which earn revenue from the advertising networks that we review on MonetizePros. We believe these business relationships inform our perspective and ultimately increase the value of our editorial content, but note that these relationships do exist, and we will not necessarily disclose them in an individual article.